If you know a street address for a San Diego County property then this APN lookup tutorial will help! As landscape designers and installers, We use this San Diego County APN lookup process for parcel data all the time. Thankfully, San Diego County has a helpful online service that allows property owners to get a quick, distilled summary of their parcel data based on an Assessor's Parcel Number (APN).
Knowing your APN is key to getting information out of governmental agencies. Without an APN, some agencies can lookup relevant data using a street address, but the APN, much like a Social Security Number, is best for finding the data you need. Visit San Diego County's GIS page (SANDAG GIS) and enter your address in the search box. Then, click on your parcel and a popup shows with relevant data including your APN. Highlight and copy that APN number to your clipboard and we'll use it later in this tutorial. You may also want to write it down for future reference.
Use SanDAg's GIS tool to look up your parcel information with only an address.
To find your San Diego County parcel data, visit the Planning & Development Self-Services Reports page. And click the Property Summary Report box.
Click the "Property Summary Report" link to get your San Diego County parcel data.
You are taken to a web app where you'll need to enter or paste your 10-digit APN lookup we did earlier.
Enter your APN to receive a property report summary.
Here is an example Property Summary Report. Depending on your location and the database, you'll find a lot of information or very little. This is an example of a robust data set for this specific parcel. Lots of useful information is provided related to your APN lookup.
If you're looking at housing animals, for instance, you'd want to look at your Animal Designation on Page 2 of the report. Noting your designator, in the example below it's V, you'll then visit Part Three of the Zoning Ordinance for San Diego County to see what that allows you to do. In this case, you'd be allowed:
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